Fostering an enduring love of sport and physical activity
NXT Level provides PPA with purpose, placing children's Wellbeing and, Physical and Social Literacy at the heart of our offer. However, everything that happens in our delivery comes back to our fundamental aim…
We have strategic goals, schemes of work and lesson plans, but the questions we always ask ourselves and believe you should be asking us are;
· Did the children have fun?
· Did they learn something?
“Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life”. (Physical Literacy Association 2014).
Nxt Level staff receive bespoke training to make them highly effective at promoting every facet of this in every child. Inclusive arrival activities that are accessible to all, clear learning objectives through differentiated core practices, and conditioned games promoting skill application, enable every child to engage and progress every session, and over time.
Agility, balance, co-ordination, and speed are the building blocks of not just physical competence. There is a risk that these can be taken for granted or assumed, but every Nxt Level session has these elements running through it. Proficient functional movement is key to engagement and retention in physical activity. We prioritise it!
Winning, losing, success and failure are all part of the sporting journey. Nxt Level staff build opportunities for pupils to experience and manage these feelings within the sessions. Developing an effective and purposeful response towards all these outcomes teaches positive and transferable behaviours. Through this, with enough children buying in, this can become a key part of any schools culture.
Working together, valuing each other and building one-another up are also key tenets of the NXT approach. We want students to recognise the positive impact they can have on individuals and the community around them.
This is what sets Nxt Level apart as a PPA provider. We provide high quality physical coaching and activity, but we also work with you to bring your school values alive, strengthen your community and promote the culture you want for your school.
Whilst what we deliver is underpinned by sound educational pedagogy, that is not how your children will view it. They will see and feel fun in a relaxed environment where they can bring their creativity to bear as they explore and discover what they are capable of and the steps they can take to find their NXT Level.
We will never compromise on safety or behavioural expectations, but we will ‘embrace the chaos’ and promote the enjoyment that developing physical literacy can and should be.
NXT sessions are energetic, student focussed and full of Joy and Learning, don’t always expect to see colour co-ordinated cones in nice neat lines (although you might!) but do absolutely expect to see smiles and and your students progressing in all sorts of ways week on week. It is our aim to positively impact the communities we are part of.
We want your children to be inspired to greatness but always see the value in being and doing GOOD!